Day 9: Right Talent, Where to Discover It and Why Actors Must Look Great.

Have you ever wondered who edits the scenes of a movie, what do they do with it after it's done and where actors are found? Plus, we mention the secrets behind their fitness routines and why they are so important. 

Who's allowed into the editing room during a movie production?

There are only three allowed into the editing room. 

  1. The editor,

  2. The producer

  3. The director. 

This is because editing is a creative process of rewriting and sequencing the story of the movie. It is the responsibility of those three people so they are the ones that make the decisions about how the movie will look in the end. They cannot be disrupted by anyone. 

After a film is completed, where is the finished product kept before it is distributed to theaters?

Great question, traditionally movies have more than one master copy. The production needs to have at least three different master copies, in three different locations, in case one is damaged or lost, there are two other backup copies. The producer needs to know the location of three of them. 

They are usually kept in a physical hard drive, but today, there are also professional cloud storage services dedicated to film. These services keep the material safe and accessible for uploading to online platforms. The film is kept stored with them as a hard drive and in a digital format usually a DPX file. This file can then be converted into a prores file for platforms like Netflix or Amazon, or other file formats for TV and other distribution channels. 

How do I get the right talent to work on my project?

Talent working in cinema including crew and actors are syndicated in North America. The best way to find the right people is through the directory of a union. I suggest contacting the union for each type of crew and taking a look at their members. You can also find information about how much those people should be paid and details of what they do. This is very helpful when preparing the budget for a film.

North American crew and acting unions include:



  • SAG


  • UDA

You can also look for crew or actors outside of a union, however, you will have a much harder time. There is no guarantee about their level of professionalism and their experience. You must also consider that you cannot mix between union and non-union members working together.

Beware, if you do that and mix actors from in a union and actors from outside the union, your set will be considered illegal and the union can take legal action to shut you down. 

Why are movie stars obsessed with their body image?

All stars are obsessed with their body image.

Their body is their production tool. If you are making shoes, you need leather, some material, metal, etc, etc. For an actor, they have their hair, teeth, body, skin, and appearance, these are their materials and tools. This is why they need to take care of their bodies just as intensely as athletes. It's more important that they have good-looking bodies for their box office appeal and creating buzz during the production of a movie. You would not go to watch a ballet dancer that does not have the elegance and dress essential to her dance. Same with singers, who constantly and consistently work on their vocal cords. No wonder Hollywood is obsessed with their image, it's an essential part of their craft and it's all about the final image on the screen. 

How do movie stars transform their bodies so fast?

You would be surprised what your body can do if you focus on something, but what's even crazier is how fast your body can do it, again and again, every time after that.

For example, someone that gained tons of fat and became overweight and then lost that weight can very easily and very quickly regain all of it back. The same for someone that lost a ton of weight and got super shredded, like bodybuilders. Every year they compete, they can get leaner and better muscle definition.

The same is for muscle memory.

Actors and stars that undergo crazy transformations have done it before at some point in their lives, so that gives them a basic advantage. However, that's not all. They are also paid very well to make that happen. It's part of their role and job AND it's also part of the advertising hype campaign for the movie. So these actors have an army behind them and they must supply the goods.

Behind them, are resources, the best foods, nutritionists, trainers, doctors, experts, and photographers. They design meal plans, training programs, and recovery programs for them to max out their results as fast as possible. It's possible both naturally and enhanced using pharmaceuticals.

Even you can transform your body in 30 days if you unlock the right metabolic pathways.

Imagine eating only raw beef (tartar), raw salmon, leafy greens, organic olive oil, fresh hand-picked herbs, high fiber grains, healthy fat nuts, and daily massages? Would you transform in 30 days? Definitely!

Imagine eating fast food every day, sleeping all day, and hunched over your phone for 30 days…


Imagine drinking day and night for 30 days without showering, you can completely change who you are in 30 days!

So imagine if that was the 4th or 5th time you did that!


Day 10. Producer of Concealed Identity, Tina Adams, Answers Some Commonly Asked Questions About Filmmaking, Acting and Her Experience in The Industry.


Day 8 Independent Cinema, Five Things You Need To Know About Making Independent Film 2022.